The production facilities, technical offices and executive board of the company are located in the industrial area of Modugno, Bari, chief town of Apulia region in the South of Italy. This industrial area is a very important trade centre for the south of Italy that is why it is well supported by different companies and services agencies.
The business name is AMENDUNI NICOLA SPA, while the financial and administrative centre is displaced in Vicenza, in Valbruna Steel Company.
Amenduni Spa, boasts to be one of the first companies to design, manufacture and realize olive oil machines and plants. Nowadays the company is the only one to carry out all the phases of the production cycle starting from the raw material. The first phase takes place in VALBRUNA STEEL COMPANY where the special stainless steel that will be used to manufacture olive oil extraction machines and industrial centrifuges in our factory in Bari.
AMENDUNI NICOLA SPA is home to the most advanced research and to the highest technology in the sector of olive oil and not only.
In the field of oil machines, the AMENDUNI NICOLA SPA represents the parent body of two companies which settle in the key points of agricultural development:
AMENDUNI ARGENTINA ( Buenos Aires – Argentina)